Monthly Archives: November 2011

The launch

We have take-off! Actually, that should read we had take-off, because this post is about the launch party for Central Reservation on 1 November, at the Union Club in Soho. It contains pictures (well, all right, a link to pictures) and very remarkably, pictures that move and talk. On which front, here are some straight away. This is the brilliant John Were, CEO of Xelsion Publishing, talking about books, reading and new opportunities for everyone who loves both of these things in his very kind speech that kick-started proceedings:

Mostly this post is a chance to say thank you. First and foremost to John, without whom Central Reservation would not currently be nestled neatly on the bookshelves of shops and sparkling temptingly on the pages of Amazon. I have met many people with big ideas, but no-one else apart from John with the courage to give them a try,… Continue reading

Will le Fleming is a novelist. His debut, Central Reservation, is published by Xelsion and available now. Read more...

On a grey Thursday morning Holly lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, and wished her sister would die. Five hours later her wish came true. Read more...

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