Monthly Archives: January 2012

Bring out your dead

All right: ghosts. The last blog post was all about where to find them. This week cuts to the chase: why are they to be found at all? What, if you’ll forgive the question, does it all mean?

Very old house

Image: Philip Halling

This, for me, connects to the place where I grew up. It was an old farmhouse. Properly old. It had a moat, absurdly. It had a long corridor and up in the wall at one end was a hole, which led through to uninhabited rooms. It had mice, bats, and no heating. My room had a spiral staircase set into the wall. Every night the steps creaked one-by-one, and it seemed like the tread continued in the empty room above.

The farm buildings were old, too. One had a white monk painted on it. Benedictine? Augustinian? No idea. I heard it was a symbol of protection against evil, and… Continue reading

Will le Fleming is a novelist. His debut, Central Reservation, is published by Xelsion and available now. Read more...

On a grey Thursday morning Holly lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, and wished her sister would die. Five hours later her wish came true. Read more...

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