Monthly Archives: August 2013

Happy New Year!

Sort of. We are talking the Celtic New Year, which, as far as my limited understanding of paganism goes, is, um, some time in September, maybe October. So, you know. Close. And in its honour, here is a disturbing picture that Google proffers in response to searching the term ‘Celtic New Year’.

odd celtic image

I mention the New Year because it seems a good time for new beginnings, which this is. I have not been in touch for a long time, both because I have been finishing a book, and because this entire website disappeared for a month or so due to the vagaries of the internet. However: the book is done (more news of it anon) and the angry little gods who specialise in the kind of electronic caprice that mars our modern lives have relented, and we are back online: so here we are. Let’s call it a relaunch.

The… Continue reading

Will le Fleming is a novelist. His debut, Central Reservation, is published by Xelsion and available now. Read more...

On a grey Thursday morning Holly lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, and wished her sister would die. Five hours later her wish came true. Read more...

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