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If you like what you’ve read of Central Reservation, and want to get involved, there are many ways that you can help spread the word about the novel and learn more about Will’s writing.

First and simplest, recommend this blog and website to your friends. If you are on social media you can like Will’s page on Facebook and follow him on Twitter, too.

You can also sign up to become a supporter or patron of this book.



To become a supporter, use the sign-up form at the bottom of this page.

As a supporter you’ll receive each new blog post via email as it goes up. Every six weeks you’ll also receive an e-letter about Will’s current work, providing behind-the-scenes access to his writing as it happens. You’ll have the chance to comment on draft extracts from his new novel and give your opinion on tricky editorial decisions – everything from individual sentences to scenes and even characters. When the book is published you’ll be able to spot your influence, and know that you contributed to its final shape.

In addition, the newsletter will provide tips and advice to help other people to discover Will’s writing, especially around 1 November: the launch date for Central Reservation.



If you enjoy being an supporter and sharing in the creative and publishing process, you can sign up to become a full patron of Will’s work.

Patrons give a little more time to spreading the word about the novel. As a patron you might, for example, undertake to sign up a certain number of new supporters. Or you might help to distribute publicity materials for a reading or event.

In return, all patrons will have their names listed on this website and published in the back of the next novel. Any copies of Will’s work you buy will be available at a significant discount, and personally signed and dedicated to you by the author. There will also be exclusive patrons’ events following the launch of Central Reservation.

Books last a long time, but stories only exist as they are read. The first time you discover a story you love is a unique experience. As a patron you will be integral in making the relationship between book and reader happen. It’s your chance to help a story come alive.

If you’re interested in becoming a patron first sign up below, then email author@willlefleming.com to request more details.

Will le Fleming is a novelist. His debut, Central Reservation, is published by Xelsion and available now. Read more...

On a grey Thursday morning Holly lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, and wished her sister would die. Five hours later her wish came true. Read more...

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The first post explains all - find it here.
